
17 July 2024

My 5-9 pre and post my 9-5

By Sarah McGlashan

Finding a routine that works for you is important to help prepare and reset your week. It's also important to find time for a little treat – whatever that looks like for you.

A day in the AMPR office is never the same. Between shoots, media calls, events, strategy development, meetings, and of course emails, PR pulls you in lots of different directions. It can be demanding and busy but that’s what makes it fun!   

It also means that taking care of yourself and setting up a routine outside of work is important. It helps to keep you clear and focussed, and ready to go. 

Personally, I love incorporating exercise, both through class pass and walking the dog, taking time to have a good dinner and making sure that I am prepped for the next day.  

So, jumping on the TikTok trend, here is my 5-9 pre and post work on a Monday. 

A day in the life outside of the job

Credit – Lucindajonesart

“Taking care of yourself and setting up a routine outside of work is important. It helps to keep you clear and focussed, and ready to go.”

6:30am – I’ll level with you, my day does not start at 5am. At 6:30am my alarm goes off and I hit snooze, before getting out of bed and getting ready. 

7:00am – I take my dog for a walk, normally for about 40mins. It’s my favourite way to start the day and allows me to get some fresh air and start to get the steps up. 

7:40am – Back home, quick shower, get dressed, make a coffee (essential), grab my breakfast and lunch and head out the door.  

8:10am – Jump in the car and head to work. This is my chance to listen to podcasts. I always start with the Daily Aus to get an easy hit of the news headlines and then it’s time for the Shameless Scandal series. 

8:40am – Get to my desk and scan the papers, go over emails and get ready to rock for the day. 

9am – 5pm – It’s time for work. 

5:30pm – Get ready to leave the office, pack everything up and jump in the car. Obviously to finish the Scandal series. 

6:00pm – Get home and relax. Say hi to my housemates and get changed.  

6:30pm – It’s time for dog walk number two. He is spoilt, but otherwise he bounces off walls so really it’s good for both of us.  

7:00pm – Get home and it’s a quick turnaround. I’m heading off to meet my brother for Pilates (no really you read that right).  

7:30pm – Hot Mat Pilates time. 

8:15pm – Hot, sweaty, and relaxed,  it’s time to go home. 

8:45pm – Home for dinner, shower and meal prep for the next day. I hate waking up to make breakfast and lunch so this all gets done the night before.  

The rest of the night is time with housemates, then into bed to scroll through TikTok and IG to catch up on industry news. Ready to do it all again the next day. 

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